How Old Is Dayang Anisha Rosnah | Wikipedia

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Majesty Dayang Anisha Rosnah Isa Kalebic was formally announced as the prospective wife of Prince Muda Abdul Mateen Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam.

Anisha Rosnah will marry HM Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah, the Yang Di Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam, on January 11, 2024.

The Royal Marriage Ceremony between Prince Muda Abdul Mateen Bolkiah and YMD Anisha Rosnah is scheduled before and following other significant ceremonies.

The jubilant nuptials will last ten days, from January 7 to January 16, 2024, and will include a variety of special events for the Kingdom of Brunei Darussalam. Stay with us until the end to learn about Wikipedia’s Dayang Anisha Rosnah entry.

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Dayang Anisha Rosnah Details | Wikipedia

Regarding Dayang Anisha Rosnah’s Wikipedia, she has not yet been featured on the website. Since 2018, this incredibly attractive and endearing member of a noble family has been associated with Prince Abdul Mateen.

Here are the results of the Team’s search, as described in Anisha Rosnah’s profile and biodata, the future bride of Prince Muda Abdul Mateen Bolkiah.

Anisha Rosnah, the prospective wife of Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah, is the granddaughter of Pehin Datuk Isa, a special adviser to the Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam and Adam’s son. Prince Abdul Mateen Bolkiah is the firstborn of Adam.

This beautiful young woman is also a well-known public figure in Brunei Darussalam. Using social media to develop a variety of cosmetic products, she is also involved in the business sector.

In addition to various other fashion-related enterprises, he controls Slik Collective.

How Old Is Pengiran Muda Abdul Mateen Istri?

Anisha Rosnah’s age is unknown, but judging by her appearance, she may be in her mid-to-late 20s. Dayang Anisha Rosnah is also known by the moniker Anisha Isa Kalebic. Anisha is the granddaughter of the special adviser to the Sultan of Brunei, Pehin Datuk Isa.

Dayang Anisha possesses a degree from a university in England. In 2018, the romance between these two began to smell. Silk Collective, which is engaged in the fashion industry, is owned by Dayang Anisha.

Anisha Rosnah co-founded the travel agency Authenticity with his closest friend. Internet users praised the appearance of Dayang Anisha’s older sibling, Danial Deen Isa Kalebic.

Dayang Anisha’s Instagram account is restricted to her close friends and is set to private mode. The relationship between Prince Mateen and Anisha has been the subject of persistent rumors since 2018.

Putera Mateen and Anisha were in the viral photo captured while they attended a function. Prince Mateen and his future wife are close friends. Putera Mateen is friendly with Anisha’s sibling, Danial Deen Isa Kalebic.

Many online users also compliment Anisha’s older sibling, Danial Deen Isa Kalebic, on his attractiveness.

Prince Mateen is one of the most attractive royals in the globe. Since her relationship with Putera Mateen became public knowledge, Dayang’s Instagram and TikTok followers have also created a fan page for her.

We all wish the two lovers happiness until they meet their creator in heaven. Many people must be eagerly anticipating the couple’s wedding this year.

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