Rumer Willis wants to be a singer

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Rumer Willis was on The Bonnie Hunt show this morning, and I have to say that she impressed me at first with how nice and normal she came across. My opinion was quickly changed by some of the clueless things she said, though. This was the first time I’ve seen Rumer interviewed. She was on Letterman earlier this year promoting that college slasher film, and I meant to see it but she got bumped the first night so that they could air a full segment of dogs diving into a swimming pool.

Given some of the snotty things Rumer has said in the past about how she’s entirely responsible for her b-movie career and how her famous family has nothing to do with her success, I expected her to seem more stuck up her own butt. She may seem superficially down-to-earth, but you can tell that she has a high estimation of herself that might not jibe with reality. When Bonnie asked Rumer what else she’d like to get into besides acting, she said “music,” and clarified that she’d like to sing. She explained that she liked to sing Spice Girls songs with her sisters as a kid, as if that makes her qualified to be a professional singer.

Rumer also talked about how she makes sure the tabloid attention doesn’t get to her:

Actress Rumer Willis sits down with talk show host Bonnie Hunt to talk about joining the cast of The CW’s “90210,” growing up with famous parents and how she handles tabloid attacks on “The Bonnie Hunt Show” on Tuesday, November 3.

Bonnie asks Rumer how she deals with living under the microscope in the age of tabloids and celebrity blogs that are not always kind to celebrities.

Rumer tells her, “At the end of the day you have to live your life and you can’t let other people’s opinions dictate how you feel about yourself because God forbid, if I
looked at every time someone said I had a bad hair day or I was wearing the wrong shoes I’d be screwed.”

In addition to acting, Rumer also tells Bonnie that she is interested in singing and would sing as kid with her sisters in pretend concerts. [CB Note: Rumer brought up singing and music as a career, Bonnie didn’t ask her directly about it.] “That would be really fun. When I was a kid, we [Rumer and her sisters] had the “Spice Girls” kind of concerts in our house. There’s some video of it but I’m hoping it never comes out!”

[Received via e-mail from The Bonnie Hunt Show]

I’m sure she’ll say that all the doors that magically open up for her singing career based on a childhood hobby are solely due to her amazing talent and not her family’s connections. I was so ready to forgive Rumer for some of the obnoxious stuff she’s said in the past, like maybe assume she had a bad day or her words were taken out of context. Her quotes like “the jobs I get are based on me,” and “talent is all that matters” were no fluke, though. She’s going to take advantage of all the opportunities she can dream of as a celebrity daughter, and she won’t ever acknowledge the fact that she would be still waiting for a break if her last name wasn’t Willis. In her mind, that’s not even a consideration.

Rumer Willis and her dad Bruce are shown at the premiere of Surrogates on 9/24/09. She’s also shown at Screamfest with her boyfriend, Micah Alberti, on 10/22/09. Credit:
