Aaron Eckhart dumped Molly Sims after she talked

Publish date: 2024-05-14


A few weeks ago, I read that Molly Sims and Aaron Eckhart were dating. I think I even read it in this Fox News 411 story, where Molly confirmed their couple status by nodding her head and saying “Aaron’s a great guy!” Scandal! Anyway, we didn’t report it because who really cares, right? I mean, I think Aaron is pretty hot, sort of. His receding hairline bothers me a little, but I like that he hasn’t gone for a bad rug or plugs (cough cough Piven cough). And Molly… well, I don’t love or hate her. She’s just there. I’ve read some interviews with her where she seems cool, but she just kind of seems “meh”. That’s my reasoning for not writing it up.

That was before things got a little juicy, though! Apparently, Aaron Eckhart did not appreciate Molly’s big mouth (once again, she said “Aaron’s a great guy!”) and he dumped her immediately. Er… what a douche.

Talk about a rude awakening for Molly Sims! Days after she fessed up in a mid-November interview to her under-the-radar romance with Aaron Eckhart, he dumped her for spilling the beans.

“Aaron flipped out,” says a source, “He’s an incredibly private guy.”

Still, the sudden breakup might be a blessing in disguise for Molly, who had been growing disenchanted with Eckhart.

“Molly was surprised that he ended it with her – and by phone – but she was starting to realize he’s not right for her. He’s so closed off from the world,” says the source. “She wants someone a bit more chill. Besides, she feels she deserves a guy who isn’t afraid to tell the world they’re in love!”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, December 21, 2009]

Chuckle. This is good, right? I mean, what do we really know about Aaron Eckhart? Nothing, right? He is a very, very private person. And personally, I don’t know if anyone else has this, but he sort of beeps on my gaydar. I’m not calling him Elton John or anything, but this whole “I will never tell anyone anything about anything in my life, ever” stuff reeks of “I’ve got some big secrets.” And for goodness sake, it’s not like Molly Sims is the kind of girl anyone would be ashamed of! She’s pretty, she’s successful, she seems nice. Why treat her like a shamef-ck?

Aaron Eckhart at the ‘Love Happens’ premiere on September 15, 2009. Credit: WENN. Molly Sims on November 10, Credit: Getty.

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