Kate Hudson: No matter what, I never heard a bad word about my father

Publish date: 2024-05-14

Kate Hudson posted the shot above to her Instagram on Wednesday. That’s Kate, her partner Danny Fukjikawa and their daughter, five-month old Rani. It’s a cute shot. Rani, of course, is featured heavily on Kate’s Instagram page. And who can blame her, look at that little face! She looks like a happy little girl and I don’t doubt she is always surrounded by love. As are Kate’s other kids, Ryder, 15, her son with Chris Robinson, and Bingham, seven, her son with Matt Bellamy. The reason their family works so well is because Kate makes sure she never speaks ill of any of her exes in front of her kids. Kate told Laura Wasser while on her podcast that was something she learned from her mother, Goldie Hawn.

Hudson said that her three children are always the most important factor in her co-parenting relationships, revealing that she learned by example after her mother Goldie Hawn divorced Hudson’s father, Bill Hudson.

“I think the one thing that I learned from my mom is that no matter what you’re feeling and no matter what — when I see my friends talking s— about their ex-spouses in front of their kids, I get so upset because they don’t recognize how much that affects their child and how resentful their child will become of them,” she explained, adding, “No matter what, I never heard a bad word about my father.”

“Kids are not only incredibly intelligent, but eventually they can make their mind up themselves,” Hudson continued. “They will see with their own eyes whatever needs to be seen and they need to come to that on their own terms. It’s not our place to tell them how to feel about the other parents. I think that’s so important.”

[From People]

Kate’s The Divorce Sucks! With Laura Wasser podcast came out last week but I wanted to talk about Kate’s comments because I think she’s right on this. I’ve seen both situations and, like Kate, it infuriates me when my friends trash their ex in front of the child. On the flip side, I have a friend who had every reason to disparage her daughter’s father, didn’t, and her daughter has since reconnected with her dad and his family and they are all better for it. (To his credit, both he and his wife give my friend full credit for the relationship.) Like Kate said, the kids will see what they need to, they don’t need coaching. And Kate knows because she certainly came to see who her biological father was without anyone having to tell her. Granted, her father, Bill Hudson, disputes the fact that Goldie was blameless, but I think we all saw who he was when he publicly bailed on Kate and Oliver.

Like I said, I respect Kate and Goldie for not trashing their exes in front of their kids. But the gossip in me gets nosy and wants to know – what bad things does Kate want to say about her exes?!



Photo credit: WENN Photos and Instagram
