Kenneth Branagh versus Chris Hemsworth: who would you rather?

Publish date: 2024-05-14


These are photos from the Australian premiere of Thor, that film starring Australian nobody Chris Hemsworth, and directed by Shakespearean actor Kenneth Branagh. The film has a really good cast, actually: Natalie Portman, Jeremy Renner, Idris Elba, Anthony Hopkins, and Renee Russo are all in it too – but none of them is showing up to promote the damn movie, and so now I’m thinking that the film is a train wreck. Maybe I won’t even have to learn anything about Chris Hemsworth, because his career will be over after this. Just in case, here are the basics: he’s Aussie, he’s the older brother of Liam Hemsworth, best known as Miley Cyrus’s on-again/off-again boyfriend. Here’s what else I know about him: he’s very pretty. Very, very pretty. Too pretty for my tastes, but I suspect that he’s got the kind of prettiness that CB enjoys in a man.

So as I was glancing through the photos from the Australian premiere, I caught sight of Kenneth Branagh too. Ken is looking… really good, right? And this is my problem: if I was given the choice between Ken and Chris, I would go home with Ken. He’s infinitely sexier to me than some blonde Aussie pretty boy. What is wrong with me? Am I the only one so skewed on men?





Photos courtesy of WENN.
