Kirk Cameron denied storyhour by over 50 public libraries. Good.

Publish date: 2024-05-15

Kirk Cameron wrote a children’s book. This is not a promotion in any way, but it’s integral to the story so I have to mention it. Obviously, it’s faith-based. I don’t know the content beyond that and don’t want to because Kirk is a hateful, ignorant bigot. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just pages of illustration of people in t-shirts with “Liberal” written on them being fed to flames and the last page reads: “This is what happens if you think for yourself.” The reason I bring Kirk into your otherwise pleasant day today is because he is getting his comeuppance. Kirk and his publisher, Brave Books *gag*, reached out to public libraries across America to request to read for their story hour. And the US library system has collectively said “F*** Off.” Okay, they didn’t use those words, but they made it very clear Kirk and his little book of hate will not be darkening their doorsteps. So Brave Books ran to Fox News to whine about all the mean responses those bully librarians gave them.

With a new children’s book out that celebrates family, faith and biblical wisdom, actor-writer-producer Kirk Cameron cannot reach scores of American children or their families in many U.S. cities via the public library system because over 50 public libraries have either outright rejected him or not responded to requests on his behalf.

Brave Books, Cameron’s publisher, shared details of the story-hour requests — and the rejections received to date — with Fox News Digital exclusively this week.

The Rochambeau Public Library in Providence, Rhode Island, for instance, told Cameron and his book publisher by phone, “No, we will pass on having you run a program in our space.”

When the publisher asked the library official about filling out the proper form to apply for a story hour slot, the individual replied, “You can fill out the form to reserve space, to run the program in our space — but we won’t run your program.”

On its website, Rochambeau Public Library promotes a regular offering for young people called “Queer Umbrella.”

It is a “club and safe space where teens can learn, discuss and connect over queer history, art, community resources, and more,” the listing spells out.

Brave Books, as part of its extensive outreach to libraries for Kirk Cameron’s new book, also contacted the City Heights/Weingart Branch Library in San Diego, California, hoping to be able to schedule Cameron for a story-hour program.

The publisher explained that this would be for “Kirk Cameron and his new children’s book ‘As You Grow.’”

But the library representative told Cameron’s publisher, “I don’t think that’s something that we would do.”

The library employee added, “Because of how diverse our community is, I don’t know how many people you would get.”

Yet the same San Diego Library system actively hosts a number of “LGBTQIA events” that go beyond Pride Month, it notes on its website.

The library system “collaborates” with other organizations to provide resources. It also hosts a teen queer book club, its website says.

Cameron’s book publisher also contacted the Alameda County Library system in California by phone and by email — and discussed its San Lorenzo location as a potential venue for a story presentation.

A children’s library representative at the San Lorenzo location told Cameron’s publisher by phone, “You know, I’m really sorry, but we are not interested,” Brave Books shared with Fox News Digital.

The San Lorenzo Library, however, hosted a “get free help” clinic this month with Bay Area Legal Aid attorneys and volunteers for those interested in “completing name and gender marker change court paperwork and updating identity documents such as CA birth certificates, driver’s licenses/ IDs, passports and Social Security cards,” the library notes on its website.

The event, as the library writes on its site, “is part of our ‘Every Month Is Pride Month Series.’”

[From MSN]

I love that both Brave Books and Fox are so confused by the libraries’ responses. They keep saying, “the libraries said no to us, but they help people with gender identity and let gay people read?” No, dude – they said no to you because they help with gender identity and LGBTQ are involved in their programs. This is marvelous. If I were writing the dialogue, I would’ve used much saltier or, you know, biblical language. But I appreciate the libraries spelling out how harmful Kirk and his book’s presence would be in their buildings. Libraries are the heart of their communities. They are free spaces for all people to feel safe and to be treated with decency and hopefully compassion. For some folks, they are the only point of light in their world. You know, what places of worship should provide as well.

I am not anti-religion. Quite the opposite, really. I practiced for 40+ years. I still consider myself an Episcopalian, I just lost my faith in God. So I have no issue with religious children’s stories or people who practice. But Kirk Cameron thinks women should sacrifice their feelings to only show joy, believes critical race theory is destroying education, held super spreader events in protest of his “house arrest” during Covid, and declares war on LGBTQIA+. There is nothing redeemable in the hate he spews, and it should go nowhere near children’s ears. So bravo to all the nation’s libraries for rejecting this washed up sock puppet. Looks like I’m adding The Rochambeau Public Library, City Heights/Weingart Branch Library and The San Lorenzo Library to my library donation Christmas list this year. I’ll note In honor of, “sticking it to Brave Books.”

As someone who was a public library manager, we have zero obligation to allow anyone to do a program. He has money. He can rent out a space to spread his hate. Sheesh. What an ass.

— Lecia Michelle: Author, Activist & Photographer🐝 (@LeciaMichelle11) December 7, 2022

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